Benevolent Lodge of Mark Master Masons..    Constituted Time Immemorial.
Triple Keystone Lodge – 150 Anniversary Keystone Lodge
Stockport Masonic Guildhall, Wellington Rd South, Stockport.  Province of Cheshire
Installation Meeting.
Somewhere different tonight, dragged the Old Opel out grumbling as usual I’m sure he said “not Stockport”
Off we went left Snoopy and Carmin in their case as I know how to get to Stockport, jumped on to the M60 heading towards the airport, soon past Sale water park and that was that, 1 hour 5 minutes later turned off at the Pyramid which is a normal journey time of 15 minutes !! Climbed up the hill from Mersey Square turned left at the Guild Hall and into the car park, found what I thought was a good spot climbed out into a puddle which came over my feet, lovely.
WM. Bro. Robert Jordan
Lodge Room
You now enter the hall via the back door as the impressive front entrance never seems to be open any longer, the hall has seen hard times but is at present fighting back under a small team of dedicated volunteers, the last few times I have attended I can physically see many improvements. I can remember singing there at Ladies nights 20/25 years ago in the big ball room, and attending a few meetings in a large first class lodge room before dining in a smart dining room, I guess that just like the Temple at Bridge Street in the centre of Manchester now mostly sold off and meetings only being held in one part of the building, and likewise even our own Hall at Leyland is going, what can be said, just like the song “Oh the times they are a changing”.
Commemorative Jewel Seal
150 Years Warrant
Bernard and Austin
There is always a warm welcome at the Guild Hall and especially from the members of this very old Mark Lodge which is always a delight to attend, this meeting was for the Installation of the SW Bro. Alan Crabtree who unfortunately was taken quite ill only the day before!! After discussion with Cheshire Province it was decided that the present WM W. Bro. Robert Jordan would continue in office until a quickly rearranged Meeting on the 18th December could take place when it was hoped that the original Bro could be Installed. Ah well you can’t win them all. The highlight of the obviously shortened meeting was the presentation of a Grand Lodge certificate by W.Bro. Bob McMillan PGJD which was done in fine style.   
Entrance Area
Stairs up to Lodge Rooms
Ball Room
I did manage to get virtually everyone present to gather for a few photos as I usually do then it was off to the Lounge for some liquid refreshment and a good old chinwag especially as the time for the Festive Board had to be quickly brought forward. The meal was served up as is usual by a very efficient and friendly staff, although what I didn’t realise the main course was “Lamb Shanks” not something I can eat but as I am on a major diet it didn’t really matter, there was the usual Toasts and responses some of which created some good humoured laughter.
Lounge and Bar
Everyone Present
WM Grand Officers and DC
It was a joy for me to be seated with my good friend W. Bro. Bernard Rourke PPrGSW the Lodge DC, a true Scot who always comes to Burns Night at Urmston to deliver a great piece on Rabbie Burns and that was it all over too soon as usual, all our goodbyes said it was out into the cold night air, climbed in across the lake, back to the M60 and guess what no traffic in sight, here’s to the meeting to meet with old friends and those I have yet to meet.
A short report on this occasion but in closing I’ll just say this Lodge is well worth a visit if you ever get the chance.
Mark Well
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher. G.Swd.
Flixton Shepherd Eastwood. No.1173